Autographs of Dave Scott

The most expensive item with a signature of Dave Scott (DAVE SCOTT APOLLO 15 SIGNED 10x8 PHOTO - UACC & AFTAL RD ASTRONAUT AUTOGRAPH) was sold in August 2018 for £299.99 while the cheapest item (DAVE SCOTT APOLLO 15 SIGNED 10x8 PHOTO - UACC & AFTAL RD ASTRONAUT AUTOGRAPH) found a new owner for £3.20 in July 2019. The month with the most items sold (6) was August 2019 with an average selling price of £40.44 for an autographed item of Dave Scott. Sold items reached their highest average selling price in August 2018 with £299.99 and the month that saw the lowest prices with £17.42 was April 2021. In average, an autographed item from Dave Scott is worth £91.46.

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Traded items with a signature of Dave Scott

In total, we tracked 72 items since 01/09/2012. The chart below shows the trade volume over time.

Most recently, these items with a signature of Dave Scott were sold on eBay - click here for more items.

Picture Item Title Price Store
thumbnailApollo 15 Moonwalker Dave Scott Signed Limited Edition Buckingham FDC£95.00logo
thumbnailAstronaut Dave Scott Portrait SIGNED£80.00logo
thumbnailDave Scott Apollo 15 Commander Signed Postage Stamps Sieger£84.76logo
thumbnailDave Scott Apollo 15 Commander, Mounted Photograph and Autograph£17.42logo
thumbnailDave Scott Apollo 15 Signed 10x8 Photograph *Registered Dealer Sale*£279.00logo
thumbnailDave Scott Apollo 15 Signed 8 x 10 White Spacesuit Photo £190.00logo
thumbnailDave Scott Apollo 15 Signed Autograph + Apollo 15 Space Flown (read Description)£45.00logo
thumbnailDave Scott Astronaut Moon Landing Signed Photo + COA and Provenance £195.00logo
thumbnailGemini 8 Apollo 9 Apollo 15 moonwalker Dave Scott signed Space cover Astronaut£59.99logo
thumbnailGemini 8 Apollo 9 Apollo 15 moonwalker Dave Scott signed Space cover Astronaut£59.99logo
thumbnailGemini 8 Apollo 9 Apollo 15 moonwalker Dave Scott signed Space cover Astronaut£57.12logo
thumbnailGemini 8 Apollo 9 Apollo 15 moonwalker Dave Scott signed Space cover Astronaut£49.99logo
thumbnailGemini 8 Apollo15 moonwalker Dave Scott signed Space cover NASA Astronaut E206£49.99logo
thumbnailNASA Astronauts Apollo 15 Dave Scott Al Worden signed 2002 Space cover£56.00logo